Chay’vion and Payton Carter

Payton and I were born in two different parts of the country. She grew up in Sherman, Texas and I was born in Canton, Ohio. Our testimonies intersect in how we both grew up going to church, sought approval from the people around us, and masked our God sized longings with temporary accomplishments and pleasures.

In January 2018 I decided to place my hope in Christ because I realized that he was the only way to life (John 14:6). Payton decided in the fall of 2020 to make that same leap of faith, as she longed for living water that only Christ could offer( John 7:37-39). We met during that fall of 2020 and began dating. Eight months later we knew the Lord was calling us to glorify Him together and so we decided to get married!! Our wedding was in the spring of 2022 and God has used us to build laborers at the University of North Texas since.

We are committed to the work of making disciples on the college campus because we became disciples while on the campus. Payton and I are eager to continue growing closer to the Father, through Christ as His Spirit transforms us from one degree of glory to another. Our hope is to continue inviting students into the beauty of beholding Christ by sharing the gospel and consistently inviting them into our lives. You can play a major role in that happening by choosing to support us as we invite young adults into their greatest need. Knowing & Growing in their walks with Christ the Son who reconciled us to the Father.