Campus Outreach is a ministry built on relationships. 

It is through these life-on-life relationships that college students come to know Christ, mature in their relationship with Him, and share their lives and faith with others through evangelism and discipleship.

The influence of Campus Outreach does not end at graduation. The success of our vision is measured best by the students who carry the vision of reaching the lost world with them after college. Our prayer is that alumni will continue to grow in their relationship with God, share their faith with those who don’t know Jesus, and continue the process of discipling others.

Learn more about the global impact of campus outreach at

Where are we? 

Campus outreach DFW

UNT Campus Logo.png

Parents, we want to partner with you. 

We understand as parents, it is difficult enough to send your child off to school much less entrust a collegiate ministry with their spiritual well-being. It is our desire that you be informed and feel comfortable with your child’s involvement in Campus Outreach and its activities.

  • We encourage you to explore our website. Here you will find out who and what Campus Outreach is, what we believe, our values, and so much more.
  • Secondly, we want you to ask any questions you may have.
  • Lastly, we want you to know that Campus Outreach honors your position as parents. You have made immeasurable contributions in the lives of your children and it is our desire to come along-side of you in their spiritual growth and development. We sincerely believe and hold to the God-given authoritative role that parents have with their children.

We do what we do because we love college students and specifically, your child. If you have any questions, thoughts, evaluation, or communication, we want to hear from you.

Word of God

The Scriptures are the written Word of God, inerrant in their original writings, the infallible authority by which He directs and governs all activities. Both the Old and New Testaments reveal God’s covenant of grace and are therefore applicable to believers today.


God is one Being existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is the Sovereign, the Creator and the Sustainer of all things. God is the source and end of all truth. 


Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead, eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son, coming into the world to reveal and glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to people. He convicts and draws sinners to Christ, imparts new life, continually indwells the believer from the moment of spiritual birth. To believers He brings fullness of life, empowers them for godly living and equips them for service and witness to Christ.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the eternal begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and of the Virgin Mary, truly God and truly Man. Through Christ’s perfect life, death, resurrection and ascension, He accomplished a decisive victory over sin for His people and established His Kingdom among men. The Lord will return personally and visibly in glory and triumph to the earth for the consummation of this age and His Kingdom and to bring to pass the final judgment.


The Church is composed of all people, living and dead, who have been joined to Christ through placing their faith in Him alone. The visible church, in teaching the Scriptures, administering the Sacraments and exercising discipline to its members, is God’s ordained vehicle for leading His body, the people of God, in worship of the Godhead and in fulfilling Christ’s mission to make disciples of all nations. God instructs His people to assemble together regularly for worship, edification and encouragement.


Man was created in the image of God as a rational, moral and spiritual being. Man sinned in Adam and fell with him in his first transgression. Man’s fall affected him spiritually, intellectually and physically leaving him in a state of complete depravity. He is restored as a gift only by the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit and the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. God is the initiator and completer of this work and is sovereign throughout both salvation and sanctification. Man’s response to God’s offer of salvation is repentance from sin and faith in the atoning work of Christ.


We seek to build laborers with a commitment to Jesus and His Great Commission through evangelism and discipleship. We are passionately reaching students with the gospel and training them to become mature followers of Christ. Our desire is to see students leave college equipped to labor in the harvest field for the glory of God.


The ultimate purpose of God and of all His creation is to bring attention to God or to glorify Him forever (Is. 43, Ps. 33, Ps. 115, Rom. 1 & 8, Eph. 1, Rev. 5). Because there is nothing and no one more valuable or important than God Himself, Campus Outreach exists that He may continually receive what He deserves and is due to Him… praise, honor, and glory from us as we find our joy in Him. We, like many throughout history, desire to spread a passion for the glory of God throughout the world. It is our desire that His identity, reputation, and fame be proclaimed to all people, in all places, by all appropriate means, as urgently as possible.


Jesus Christ once said, as he observed a large crowd of people, “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few” (Mt. 9:37). That profound statement has rung true for more than 2,000 years and can certainly be applied to our world in the 21st century. There is no shortage of needs, problems, and opportunities awaiting the approach of an equipped leader (Eph. 4:11-16, Mt. 4:19) to make a difference. It is the desire of Campus Outreach to work hand in hand with colleges, universities, churches, families, and individuals to produce these Kingdom leaders and laborers for which there is such a desperate need.


On The Campus

Campus Outreach believes that the university campus is one of the most strategic fields of ministry available in the world. Beyond the movement of the sovereign God through His Holy Spirit, there are at least 4 factors we see at play that make college students so strategic:

Student Population Density on the campus is higher than many other places in the world, making it easier to meet and build relationships with more people.

Student Availability on the campus is greater than virtually any other place in the world or at any other stage in life.

Student Openness to ideas and hunger for knowledge is generally unequaled elsewhere in the world.

Student Potential for future impact in the world is incredibly high, when compared to any other people demographic in the rest of the world’s population.

It is the combination or cumulative effect of these dynamics coming together in tangible ways that lead us to the conclusion that the university campus is the most strategic place for Campus Outreach to impact the world for Christ.

For the lost world

The goal of Campus Outreach is that we would influence the world for Christ…that we might be part of fulfilling the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20). Campus Outreach desires to be a part of the expansive enterprise of the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Glory of God that is being lived and preached and spread around the world to every people, tribe, tongue, and nation (Mt. 24, Mk. 13, Rev. 5). More specifically, we desire that trained graduates would provide leadership for the Kingdom of God in every sphere of influence imaginable in every country around the world. It is the aim of Campus Outreach that these leaders would be mobilized from the campus to have a Gospel-centered impact on those around them as they live the rest of their lives in the church and as a part of business, medicine, the community, the family, politics, education, missions, and all areas of life.

What makes us unique.



Campus Outreach Dallas/Ft. Worth is committed to building ministries on strategic college campuses.  We generally look for campuses with strategic locations and resources.



Campus Outreach Dallas/Ft. Worth is under the supervision and authority of The Village Church Denton in Denton, Texas, yet maintains an interdenominational profile on the campus. The Village is committed to reaching college students locally and also to join hands with the broader evangelical community to reach students in this geographic region. This unique relationship with the church gives Campus Outreach Dallas/Ft. Worth the freedom to minister to all students directly and to wholeheartedly support and work together with churches that are committed to the essentials of the faith.



God’s work is done as many join in partnership to accomplish the task.  A portion of the Campus Outreach budget is given by The Village Church Denton to cover administrative expenses.  The staff raise financial support from individuals, local churches, alumni and businesses for their salary, ministry expenses, taxes, insurance, and transportation costs.