“Reach the Campus, Reach the World.”

Campus Outreach seeks to glorify God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world.  We want to intentionally and strategically mobilize every graduate in our ministry where they can be most effective in serving Christ and multiplying their lives after college in Dallas/Fort Worth and to the ends of the earth.  

What is Mobilization?

Mobilization is the process of preparing and deploying students as leaders for post-college faithfulness and impact in God’s kingdom.

As we see people come to faith in Christ and disciple them while in college, our hope is that they would enter different parts of the world with transformed lives, seeking to be agents of transformation.  Regardless of occupation or context, we desire that all graduates would live out their Christian calling: to know God and make Him known.

Why are we committed to this?


The effectiveness of our ministry is measured not in the few years that students are involved in our ministry while they are in college but in the way that those students are actively engaged in advancing God’s kingdom both in their own hearts and in the lives of others five, fifteen, and twenty-five years after they graduate. Our mission is to build laborers for the world, the world beyond the campus.  We want to see these equipped leaders from our campuses continue laboring for the rest of their lives.

How will we do this?


Preparing Leaders for the Transition:

Our staff will engage seniors in Mobilization discussion groups where they will discuss key topics for healthy transition to post-college life (ex. spiritual growth, local church, missional living, work and career, money, resources, and transition).

Launching Leaders to Multiply:

Our staff will help students identify their Desires, Design, Development needs, and Doors that would lead them to discover strategic opportunities for them to multiply their lives in the world.

Sending Leaders to Mobilization Opportunities:

To see this vision come to reality, we seek to set up mobilization opportunities and partnerships which are designed to help college graduates commit to gospel-centered community, learn from godly mentors, and be on mission with Christ. 

Have you ever asked yourself these questions:  

How could God use my life after college?  What challenges will I face after graduation?  How do I know what God is calling me to after college?  What specific opportunities are there for me after college?  What will it take to have a thriving walk with Christ after college?  What does it look like to make disciples beyond the campus? What are my next steps as I think about transitioning from the campus?

These are exactly the issues we address at the annual Campus Outreach DFW Mobilization Conference. Our Mobilization Conference is a great opportunity to learn about laboring in the harvest for a lifetime. At the conference you will hear from Campus Outreach staff, church leaders, and Campus Outreach alumni on various topics relevant to an effective transition from the campus.

If you’re interested in receiving more information regarding our Mobilization Conference next Fall, make sure you scroll down and fill out a Senior Mobilization Profile. Our staff will reach out to you with any information you need.

Recommended Reads


After College: For more than a decade, Erica Young Reitz has specialized in helping college seniors and recent graduates navigate the transition to post-college life. Drawing on best practices and research on senior preparedness, she offers practical tools for a life of faithfulness and flourishing during a critical, transitional time. This practical guide addresses the top issues graduates face: making decisions, finding friends, managing money, discerning your calling and much more.

Operation World: This definitive global prayer handbook has been used by more than a million Christians to pray for the nations. Now in its 7th edition, it has been completely updated and revised by Jason Mandryk with a team of missionaries and researchers, and it covers the entire populated world.


Foundations for Life: This workbook has been designed to be a helpful mobilization tool, providing you with perspective and resources and preparing you to make this crucial transition.

Are Out of the Papermill into the Pew - Excerpt: For a considerable number of graduates who were converted through a campus ministry, active involvement in a local church is a new experience. For them, the awkwardness of the transition may be particularly acute. But even those who have enjoyed the benefits of a solid church life prior to their campus experience often find reentry difficult.

Are You Tentmaking or Just Camping Out? - Excerpt: [After college] I had to choose to invest in people with whom I could interact regularly and who seemed to be open to the gospel. Once I did this, I began to find more and more opportunities to share my faith...

If I Could Live My Life Over - Excerpt: if I can tell you in a positive, constructive way about my own mistakes and failures, and thereby warn and challenge you not to repeat them, this article will be a valid venture. If I can help just one other person avoid one of my pitfalls, then I rejoice ...